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General Information

General Information

تاریخ انتشار : Publish : نسخه قابل چاپ Print

Faculity of Para-Veterinary Sciences was established in 1993  and its academic activities was started by offering programs leading to B.E. degree in  veterinary medicine in 1994. Presently the main building of  junior school  is located outside the main campus and new building of  it is under construction  at main campus of Bu Ali Sina University. Faculity of Para-Veterinary Sciencescarries out education and research activities and has the B.E.,  degree program in its department and will develop its activities in future.

Faculity of Para-Veterinary Sciences include  one department presently. This faculity has about 400 students and 9 faculty members. The administrative body of the faculity consists of one dean and one  vice dean  for Academic Affairs. The Department of the faculity is veterinary medicine. Department is administered by one chairman who is elected by  faculty members'  votes for two years.